November is here and what a month it's already been for us here at The Garden Shop. Our brand new farm shop is open stocking super fresh veg, fruit, eggs, chutney, jams and more. And, you know us, of course much of the produce is from growers from within the South West!

We've also expanded our cafe so there's a much larger seating area now for you to enjoy. We've also added a new range of pastries ~ delicious first thing with a tea or coffee. And.. there's so much more to come!
November is traditionally the month of remembrance.

It's a key time for my family as my father served his country in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary for his whole working life. Armistice Day /Remembrance Day marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. At the Shop we will mark this with a two-minute silence held at 11am on Sunday morning. We ask that you respect our staff and customers at this important time, thank you. (photo courtesy of elina-sazonova)

Christmas is fast approaching
As we head towards December Christmas is drawing nearer. We are now taking bookings for Christmas lunches on the 8th, 15th and 22nd December. Please call to reserve your table 01297 551113, and we advise booking early (at least two weeks in advance of your preferred date). Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements when you book.
You can also email us:
The menu Includes all your traditional favourites for dinner, and there is of course a Vegetarian option
Parish Petals We've been delighted this year to have Parish Petals at the Shop on Fridays with their beautiful flowers available for purchase. They have been a delight!

We are happy to be hosting them for a wreath making workshop on December 17th 11am - 1pm. Email to book:
Parish Petals will also be at the Shop from November 22nd 9am- 4pm and every friday, with their “The Wreath Bar” where you can chose a Naked wreath, pick from lots of glittery and traditional embellishments to design your own bespoke wreath at home or in the shop with them.
They're taking orders for Christmas flowers, and have a selection of dried flowers and floral Christmas decorations available.
So onto gardening matters..
November can be a frustrating month weather-wise for gardeners, neither winter nor autumn, cold, wet, and a good few weeks until Christmas. It kept its original name from the Latin novem meaning ‘nine’ which marked it the ninth month of the year in the Roman calendar. November was named during a time when the calendar year began with March, which is why its name no longer corresponds with its placement in the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

Don't forget that some plants in the garden may need extra protection at this time of year. If you are continuing to use your greenhouse through this season, then consider insulating it with bubble wrap to save energy and keep it warmer. And, if you have tender plants such as bananas, then you will need to wrap them up.
A cheap and quick idea for a greenhouse heater is to place a terracotta pot in the middle of your greenhouse, pop three or four nightlights in the bottom, light and then cover with another pot. The lights warm the pots and keep the temperature above freezing. And no paraffin smells!!
There is always something to do and this month is no exception…
You can sow broad bean Aquadulce now but protect with a cloche.
You can continue to plant garlic such as Solent Wight until the middle of the month.
Protect the crowns of globe artichoke by wrapping straw around the base of the plants.
Divide clumps of chives and other herbs into small pots to grow on a windowsill indoors.
It’s your last chance to plant spring bulbs but make sure you plant to the correct depth. This information will be on the label. If the ground isn’t ready, plant the bulbs in pots which can be planted out later.
Make early sowings of geranium seed. You will need a minimum lowest temperature of 15C to ensure germination.
Sow cactus seeds.
Cut down the dead growth and lift dahlias and cannas once the top foliage has been frosted. Lay dahlias upside down to dry out, then store in a frost-free place.
Yellowing cyclamen leaves should be removed together with faded flowers by pulling directly from the corm. Keep them in a cool but light place.
Remember that plants that flower through the winter will need watering, but other subjects will need much less.
Cut back perennial plants that are past their best, and clear away all the debris (great places for snails and slugs to hide otherwise!) and added to the compost heap.
Plant wallflowers in the space left; they will give a lovely rainbow of colour, or you could try tulips planted amongst the wallflowers to give a good contrast.
If the weather is still mild you will find your grass is still growing so give it a light trim.
Try to remove any fallen leaves that have blown onto the lawn. Consider putting the leaves into bin bags or empty compost bags (make a few holes in the bag first), and hide them away somewhere in the garden until next year, when you will have a handy supply of leaf mould!
Spike the lawn with a hollow-tined aerator and then brush grit into the holes for improved drainage.
Try to keep off the lawn if conditions are very wet or frosty as this will compact the soil.
It always proves worthwhile to try and use some time this month to wash down the outside of your greenhouse. This removes any algae and dirt that built up over the summer that will prevent the light getting in. You could use your car wash brush on the end of a hose!
Check on over-wintering plants to make sure they are keeping healthy and pest-free. Remove any dead or dying growth.
It’s a great time to clean and disinfect pots and trays ready for next season.
Start planning your garden for next year (this always makes me feel better on those dark days) and order plants and seeds early to avoid disappointment.
Sue Brown
Colyton Garden Shop King Street, Colyton, Devon EX24 6LF Email:
Tel: 01297 551113